Upper School (Grades 7 - 12)
The Whitefield experience is filled with joy and deep engagement as we seek to prepare students for lives of learning, virtue, and worship in the context of a Christ-centered classical education.
Christ is woven throughout a Whitefield education and is the end for which we labor. As we seek to train our students to be discern what is true, do what is good and love what is most delightful we are convinced the proper termination of this end is a person who loves and delights in Jesus Christ and is pursuing his likeness in every arena of his or her life.
“The end then of learning is to repair the ruins of our first parents by regaining to know God aright, and out of that knowledge to love him, to imitate him, and to be like him, as we may the nearest by possessing our souls of true virtue, which being united to the heavenly grace of faith makes up the highest perfection.” - John Milton
Formation & Community
Living in community corresponds to that most vital part of our nature whereby we have been created in the Image of our Triune God. At Whitefield we strive to foster community and formation through athletics, the house system, and the classroom. Our teachers embrace their calling not only to pass on the gifts of the Liberal Arts but to know and be known by their students in meaningful and deep mentoring relationships.
Classical Academics
A Liberal Arts education seeks to instill into its students all the necessary skills (arts) to be lifelong learners, inquisitive and thoughtful discerners of creation (mathematical arts) and deep and engaging thinkers and communicators (verbal arts).
Humanities - Our Great Books program is a pursuit of truth by means of the great texts of the western world. By engaging with authors such as Homer, Plato, Aristotle, Virgil, Dante, Milton, Locke and many others our students daily practice the arts of grammar, logic and rhetoric as they grow in their ability to comprehend, analyze and synthesize texts.
Rhetoric - Beginning in the 4th grade students practice writing through a writing curriculum that has withstood the test of time. The Progymnasmata (lit. “the before exercises”) is an elaborate and yet functional curriculum Students grow and develop the complexity and beauty in writing in a manner that naturally corresponds to their ongoing maturation.
Math & Science - Our rigorous math and science program prioritizes the practice and development of quantitative reasoning and curious exploration of the abstract and physical world. The ancient mathematical arts of arithmetic, geometry, music theory, and astronomy corresponded to the skills necessary to gain facility with the complex and astonishingly beautiful movement of number throughout the created order. These arts are practiced in our curriculum through the now traditional course of math and science courses.
Language - Our program of language study seeks to be yet another context in which our students practice and engage deeply in the arts of grammar and logic. In addition to the satisfying end of either reading an ancient language or speaking in a modern language, language study at Whitefield exercises the students in those vital skills to engage with their own native language with greater fluency and nuance.
Bible - In the context of the Socratic classroom (dialogue), students engage the Holy Scriptures and important texts from the church’s history as they seek to develop a true and winsome theology. In the 7th and 8th grade students survey the Old and New Testaments respectively, in the 9th grade they spend a year reading important apologetical texts, in 10th -12th they continue to engage daily with the Scriptures while reading selections of historical theology including but not limited to Augustine, Anselm, Athanasius, Aquinas, Bonaventure and many more.
Tours are now available for the 2025-26 school year!
We look forward to meeting your family and helping you determine if Whitefield Academy is the right fit for your child. Schedule your tour today!
Enrollment Dates to Know
- August 19th, 2024 - Tours open for the 2025/2026 school year. Schedule your tour today!
- November 1st, 2024 - Applications open. Submit your application early to place your student at the top of the list for open seats!
- January 16th, 2025 - Financial assistance applications open.
- March 10th, 2025 - Enrollment acceptance e-mails are sent based on student evaluations and available seats in each class.
Whitefield Athletics
Upper school students have a variety of athletic opportunities in Rowing, Basketball, Volleyball, and Soccer.
Exploration that develops new interests. Students can choose from a variety of rotating electives such as Debate, Coding, Yearbook, Finance, Poetry and more.
Beauty that awakens wonder and fosters creative expression through sculpture, painting, drawing, printmaking, and art history.
Singing that lifts the soul with songs of deep theology, rich history, and musical beauty.
Storytelling that builds confidence and brings the literature of great playwrights to life.
Our house system creates cross-grade opportunities for comradery, leadership, and school spirit. Twice each year, we put down our books and retreat off campus for a silly yet serious day of house competitions, mentorship and spiritual growth!
Experiencing the world is impactful as students grow into compassionate leaders. During our annual trips week, 7th -12th grade students travel with their grade on a missions or cultural trip.
Students develop leadership skills through Student Council, National Honor Society, and Athletics.
Developing friendship is an important part of formation. Whether dressing up for dances, having game nights, or cheering at athletic events, Whitefield students get together often, making the best memories!