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Lower School (Grades 1 - 6)

The Whitefield experience cultivates wonder and curiosity as students explore the world, learn about themselves, and develop positive friendships.

Boys Playing
Lunch room
Luke 2
3rd Grade Classroom

Cultivating Christ-Like Character

At Whitefield Academy we are developing the whole child: body, soul, and mind. In addition to academic training of the mind, we are intentional in the character development of every student. Our teachers begin each morning in prayer and both the reading and memorization of scripture. We also spend time each day working through our seven virtues, three theological (Faith, Hope, and Love), and four cardinal (Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, and Temperance).  

Exceptional Academic Development

The classical approach intentionally builds year over year, equipping students with developmentally appropriate skills in reading, writing, and mathematics in order to understand the world our Creator has made and to share his love with our neighbor.

Bible – We read scripture every day, and spend one day a week in a communal chapel service. Our Bible program works through the entire story of scripture each year, and builds upon that knowledge and understanding with each advancing grade level. Utilizing “The Jesus Storybook Bible” from the earliest grades, to reading directly from each student’s personal Bible, we value our time in God’s word.

Spell to Write to Read (SWR) – Beginning in Kinder Prep, students learn the smallest symbols and phonograms that make up the English language, and over time, use those symbols to form words and sentences. We begin spelling lists in Kindergarten, and continue through the 6th grade.

Cursive First – Beginning in Kinder Prep students learn to form each of their phonograms (SWR symbols) using cursive handwriting. Cursive handwriting creates mental connections that enhances our reading development and skills, and we continue to develop and improve our cursive writing throughout our time at WA and embrace the beauty of the form.

Shurley Grammar – After students begin to form words, we work on developing an understanding of complete sentences and utilizing additional symbols that enable us to better read various writing styles. Students begin our Grammar program in the 2ndgrade and continue to develop and add on to their understanding through the 6th grade.

Literature – As students develop their writing skills and are able to utilize basic grammar functions, we begin reading various texts to continue to their reading development. A few of the novels we read are Little House in the Big Woods, Detectives in Togas, Adam of the Road, Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH, The Hiding Place, and The Last Battle.

History – The reading of History texts is another way in which we develop our reading skills and to develop background knowledge and context for many of the novels we read in class. Students begin reading “The Story of the World” in the 3rd grade.

Science – In a classical education program, the Lower School uses the study of science to create a sense of wonder of God’s creation. We spend time observing and experimenting. We also continue to develop our reading skills with various scientific writings.

Math - A Classical education uses mathematics to help us see and understand the created world. Beginning in Kinderprep we work on understanding number, patterns, and sequences. We learn new skills, practice old skills, and strive towards mastery of each concept. We currently use Saxon Math as our curriculum.

Progymnasmata – The Progymnasmata (Progym) is our writing program that begins in the 4th grade and continues into the Upper School. The first stages take a format the younger students understand (Narrative) and teaches the student to break down the story and rewrite it in their own words. The students work through Fable and Narrative in the 4th and 5th grades before encountering Chreia and Maxim stage in the 6th grade. In this exercise, students learn how to structure their writing. The remaining 6 stages of the Progym are introduced in the Upper School before the students move on their formal Rhetoric classes.

Latin – In the 4th grade students begin their study of Latin. We study the language not just for its relevance to the “Classical” time period, but to continue to develop students understanding of languages and their structures. 

Screen-Free Learning & Ample Recess

Children who learn without screens are happier and develop longer attention spans. Your children will be surrounded by books, art, music, and movement that inspires them to love learning and explore the world around them. Your children will go on field trips, play outside each day and have regular PE classes.

Looking for read aloud books? Download our recommended reading list by Lexile level!

Reading List

Tours are now available for the 2025-26 school year!

We look forward to meeting your family and helping you determine if Whitefield Academy is the right fit for your child. Schedule your tour today!

Enrollment Dates to Know

  • August 19th, 2024 - Tours open for the 2025/2026 school year. Schedule your tour today!
  • November 1st, 2024 - Applications open. Submit your application early to place your student at the top of the list for open seats!
  • January 16th, 2025 - Financial assistance applications open.
  • January 31st, 2025 - Kinder Prep & Kindergarten Round-Up evaluations
  • March 10th, 2025 - Enrollment acceptance e-mails are sent based on student evaluations and available seats in each class.

Learn About Aftercare

Aftercare is available for Kinder Prep through 6th grade students from 3:30-5:30pm.

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6th Grade Athletics

Whether they have played before or want to try something new, students in 6th grade can participate in Basketball, Volleyball, and Soccer.

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Field Trips

Connecting classroom learning with experiential learning is a priority at Whitefield. Our students take frequent field trips around Kansas City to places such as museums, nature centers, theater performances, the pumpkin patch and much more.

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Outdoor Recess

We go outside! Lower school students go outside 2-3 times each day. On snow days students bring snow gear to enjoy the winter fun!

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Physical Education

The brain and body are interconnected. Learn why the classical approach values education through movement.

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Literature that inspires imagination and develops a love of reading. Our library is a thoughtfully curated collection of high quality literature organized using the Lexile system corresponding to student reading levels.  

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Visual Arts

Beauty that awakens wonder and fosters creative expression through sculpture, painting, drawing, printmaking, and art history.

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Choral Music

Singing that lifts the soul with songs of deep theology, rich history, and musical beauty.

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