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Why Classical

While modern education trains students for a job, classical Christian education trains students how to learn and cultivates what they love.

Classical education systematically gives students the foundational tools of learning, enabling them to synthesize information, creatively solve problems, and readily adapt to change. They are well prepared for higher learning in any area of interest with the ability to think well and communicate effectively.

Whitefield is not only classical, but Christ-centered. We believe that the true aim of education is to cultivate the whole person and order their affections to love what is true, good, and beautiful - namely Christ Himself. 

Formation Comes First

Foundations For Lifelong Learning

The Pillars of Classical Education

Beyond imparting mere knowledge as subjects, Classical education cultivates the foundational skills of learning as arts. Unlike modern education which silos learning, classical education integrates learning across areas of study, deepening understanding and creating well-rounded students.

Hallmarks of a Whitefield Education

Classical Christian education is less about keeping students away from negative influences, and more about inviting our children onto the path of truth, goodness, and beauty. Students receive an exceptional academic foundation in a joyful community of peers and mentors.

Great Books
Socratic Dialogue
Creativity & Beauty
Classical Languages
Formal Logic
Cursive & Phonograms
Community Worship
Buddy Classes
Quantitative Reasoning

The Whitefield Experience By Grade

Classical education begins with the end in view, intentionally building on skills developed each year. Learn what to expect in each grade at Whitefield!

Kinder Prep & Kindergarten.      Grades 1 - 6.      Grades 7 - 12

The Classical Graduate

We believe the world needs more Christ-centered critical thinkers, clear communicators, and compassionate leaders. Whitefield graduates are humble, wise, and eloquent men and women who become servant leaders in their community.

Critical Thinkers

Making wise judgements



Clear Communicators

Influencing our communities



Compassionate Leaders

For the good of our neighbor



Why Families Love Whitefield

Alumni Parents

What we have seen in our children, especially since graduating, is an incredible depth of understanding of God, His Kingdom, and His world; a breadth of knowledge in so many diverse subjects; and ability to communicate effortlessly with anyone about anything.

Lower School Mom

One of the things that sets Whitefield apart is how they believe children can learn difficult things but they also celebrate and protect childhood. The kids work hard academically but they play, they laugh, they are allowed to be kids!

Kinder Prep Family

Whitefield caught our eye because it was a top-tier academic institution, a classical education, and a distinctly Christian one. A year later, we couldn’t be happier that we chose Whitefield. It stands apart as a truly special place, offering an environment where our kids are challenged while constantly being reminded of God’s love for them.